Helium LoRaWAN For Remote Temperature Measurement
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Helium Meteo
Helium Meteo is a small battery-powered device for measuring temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. Data samples are transmitted via Helium LoRaWAN. Checkout the project page for more detailed explanation.
Below I’ve briefly listed ten reasons that Helium Meteo is way cooler than your average kitchen table thermometer.
1. Open design
Both firmware and hardware for this project are free to be replicated, modified and improved.
2. Battery lasts for years
With current consumption of less than 10µA, a pair of AAA batteries should last for several years. And that is even if the sensor data is transmitted every half hour.
3. Hardware is cheap
BOM is 16€ in single quantities.
4. Sending data is cheap
When sensor data is transmitted every half hour, the yearly bill for DC credits is less than 2€.
5. No monthly plans
Many LoRaWAN Network Server Providers charge per transmitted packet, without any subscription costs. You pay only when sending data.
6. No vendor lock-ins
There are plenty of LNS providers to choose from. You can even run your own LNS.
7. You can add Helium coverage by yourself, if needed
If there is no Helium coverage in your area, it is relatively easy and affordable to add it by yourself. Simply place a hotspot in your property. And as a bonus you would be mining crypto tokens while providing Helium radio coverage.
8. Long communication range
The LoRaWAN technology allows sensor data to be received by a hotspot tens of kilometers away.
9. Own your data
Sensor data is received and stored on your own server. You store it, you own it.
10. It’s running Zephyr
Firmware for the Helium Meteo is using the Zephyr RTOS. Zephyr has big community, vast MCU and peripherals support, nice build and configuration system. And it even supports device trees.